Where We Work
The coast and land outlined in white on the map represents Wele’k Pemjajika’q Siknikt/Healthy Coasts New Brunswick, a Community-nominated Priority Place for species-at-risk under the Canada Nature Fund. Click and drag the map to explore the different locations inside the area. Right-click and drag (on computer) or drag with two fingers (on mobile) to pan around the map, and zoom in by double-clicking where you want to go.

Project Timeline
Project launches with funding approval from Environment and Climate Change Canada. The team hosts their first meetings to launch the project.
Nature NB and our team of Coastal Guardians lead a beach clean-up on the Acadian Peninsula, collecting over 84 lbs of waste from our shorelines.
Project partners participate in a blanket exercise at the Red Bank Lodge organized by Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn and Anqotum Resource Management.
Field visit to the Bernie Bowie Nature Preserve with partners for the Tabusintac and Esgenoôpetitj team.
Birds Canada works with schools to design “Help Protect our Dunes” signs.
The team launched our project logo that serves as a representation of different cultures, languages, values, and wildlife in the coastal zone.
Nature Conservancy of Canada and David Mazerolle host a Walk and Talk on coastal plants on Miscou Island.
Partners host Seashore Explore events for youth across the Chaleur Bay region.
Salt marsh copper (Tharsalea dospassosi) sighted in a marsh in Shediac, NB during a training workshop held for Healthy Coasts NB partners by the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre.
Nature NB’s Lewnanny Richardson monitoring Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) in the Acadian Peninsula.
Project kick-off meeting for the Richibucto area led by the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Jennifer White.
Nature NB’s Program Manager Lauren Stead working alongside partners and volunteers to restore a bank swallow (Riparia riparia) colony at Youghall Beach in Bathurst, NB.